Ali Vakilian

Ali Vakilian's picture
  • Siebel Scholar, Class 2013. Awarded annually for academic excellence and demonstrated leadership to 85 top students from world's leading graduate schools (Siebel Scholar is the largest award offered by the College of Engineering at UIUC).
  • Awarded "Outstanding Student" certificate and prize by the president of Sharif University.
  • Member of Iranian National Foundation of Elites, awarded to selected members, 2009-2011.
  • Ranked 38th in the annual nationwide entrance exam over more than 300,000 participants, May 2007.

I am a second year PhD student in theory group, CSAIL at MIT and I am fortunate to have Erik Demaine as my advisor. 

I got my master's degree in Computer Science from UIUC in 2013. During my master's studies at UIUC, I worked on combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithm design with Chandra Chekuri

I received my bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 2011.

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